Old Colony Wargamers Logo
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Sign up to play in 3d Quarter 2024 games

Awaiting the Turkish onslaught at KutAwaiting the Turkish onslaught at Kut

Welcome to the homepage of the Old Colony Wargamers, a club devoted to historical wargaming with miniatures. The club meets weekly in Hudson, MA, to game in any period from Ancients through the 20th Century. While this site is primarily intended to be useful to club members, there are materials which may be of more general interest.

The club game schedule is on the Club Info page. Photos of games and some historical images are on the Gallery page, and there is a (dated) collection of annotated links to hobby and historical sites on the Period Links page. On the Downloads page are some rules, playsheets, and lists of troops available for club games, along with links to some utilities.

If you are interested in coming by for a game, drop us an email. We welcome visitors and new members.

Old Colony Wargamers Old Colony Wargamers Logo
Home ClubInfo Links Gallery Downloads

Sign up to play in 3d Quarter 2024 games

Awaiting the Turkish onslaught at KutAwaiting the Turkish onslaught at Kut

Welcome to the homepage of the Old Colony Wargamers, a club devoted to historical wargaming with miniatures. The club meets weekly in Hudson, MA, to game in any period from Ancients through the 20th Century. While this site is primarily intended to be useful to club members, there are materials which may be of more general interest.

The club game schedule is on the Club Info page. Photos of games and some historical images are on the Gallery page, and there is a (dated) collection of annotated links to hobby and historical sites on the Period Links page. On the Downloads page are some rules, playsheets, and lists of troops available for club games, along with links to some utilities.

If you are interested in coming by for a game, drop us an email. We welcome visitors and new members.