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Shenandoah Campaign materials

Campaign Map
A reduced version of the map that prints on a single page for marking up with your orders and cunning plans. 408K PDF file.

Campaign forms
Forms for unit orders and unit histories. Zipped Word98 file.

Materials for Napoleonics Games

Weeks Rules
The OCW version of Bruce Weeks' rules for Napoleonic 15 mm. We use these for multi-player games with players commanding divisions. 145K PDF file.

Weeks Troops
A listing of the 15 mm Napoleonic troops we have mounted and available for games with these rules. Current to June 2001. 75K PDF file.

Weeks Troop Database
This Filemaker 2 Pro database includes all the units available for club games with Weeks' rules and allows you to select the units for a scenario. A second related database imports the selected records and will print Orders of Battle and unit roster cards, as well as allow casualty tracking through multiple battles for a campaign. Two Filemaker files and a text introduction to using them. 142K Zip file.

Column Line and Square (In prep.)
Troop lists for CLS in 25 mm and 30mm. Some games never die...unlike the units involved.

Materials for Naval Games

Seekrieg 4 Ship Sheet Generator
An Excel98 spreadsheet that generates playsheets with data for games using the Seekrieg 4 rules. 120K Zip file.

British WWI Ship Sheets
Made-up ship sheets for Seekrieg 4 games for the ships available for club games. 479K pdf file.

German WWI Ship Sheets
Made-up ship sheets for Seekrieg 4 games for the ships available for club games. 241K pdf file.

Aids for setting up the game table

8 ft Table
Tabletop layout for half-table games with 12 in. hexes superimposed for GeoHex layout. 7K pdf file.

16 ft Table
Tabletop layout for full-table games with 12 in. hexes superimposed for GeoHex layout. 8K pdf file

GeoHex Inventory
Line drawings of the types of GeoHex pieces owned by the club, with a tabulation of how many of each type is available. Does not include the sunken road set. 353K pdf file.

Other Troop Lists

Utility Applications
