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2d Quarter 2024    

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4 April Seven Years War - Twilight of the Soldier Kings - Burr (8 players) none - - (0 players)
11 April Seven Years War - Twilight of the Soldiers - Burr (8 players) none - - (0 players)
18 April Normandy 44 Red Devils of the Orne - Chain of Command - Schwartz (8 players) none - - (0 players)
25 April Valverde - Fire and Fury - Makuc (6 players) none - - (0 players)
2 May No game - Desmonds are away - (8 players) none - - (0 players)
9 May No game - Desmonds are away - (0 players) none - - (0 players)
16 May Battle in the Baltic - Steel Fleets - Theriault (8 players) none - - (0 players)
23 May French and Indian War - Musket and Tomahawk - Lowitt (8 players) none - - (0 players)
30 May Assault on Tobruk - Command Decision - Theriault (8 players) none - - (0 players)
6 June D Day British Airborne - Chain of Command - Schwartz (8 players) Ardennes 1914 - CD Death of Glory - Rice (6 players)
13 June British vs Germans summer 1940 - Rapid Fire for Rookies - Coughlin (8 players) Kharkov campaign - Chain of Command - Burr (6 players)
20 June WWII Learning game - Fireball Forward - Lowitt (8 players) Business Meeting? - - Lowitt (16 players)
27 June ACW - Fire and Fury - Redic (12 players) none - - (0 players)