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Achtung Panzer
Detailed info on vehicles of German armored formations, some organizational info.

Panzer War Archive
Specs and 4-views of about 200 WWII AFVs of all nations. Dozens of maps, translations of Hitler's war directives.

Russian Battlefield
Valera Potapova's spectacular site offers lots of information on WWII from the Soviet viewpoint. AFV and artillery specs, drawings, 3-views, and development histories; OB's, memoirs, and other material. Both English and Russian language versions provided for the linguistically adventurous.

Russian Battlefield Conference
This is a message board for Russian military history. Almost all messages are related to WWII. While there are occasional useless threads, it is one of the few places to get easy contact with Russian wargamers, modelers, and (mostly) amateur historians, with their access to different source material. David Glantz frequents the forum, Steve Zaloga and George Nafziger occasionally drop in.

Tracks & Armour
Francis Liew's large collection of WWII armored formation orders of battle.

WWII Armed Forces
Leo Neihorster's large collection of orders of battle and organizations

Allied AFV data
Four-view line drawings plus fairly extensive vehicle specs for a respectable assortment of Allied AFV's.

This is a page of links and references to a large number of WWII AFV web resources, with a page for each nationality. There are also some photos.

The Normandy Campaign
This covers the Normandy campaign from the German perspective, with most of the material coming from the research the site owner did for a book he published on the topic. German OB, a couple of maps, and a couple of articles.

German military history 1919-1945. Vast amounts of information, including OB's, histories, veteran's stories, equipment, statistics, and other goodies.

PKKA-CP (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army - Soviet Army)
Articles on history, equipment, orders of battle, some pictures - a Russian site.

Russian Tanks
This site has color illustrations of the T-26, T-28, T-35, BT-2, BT-5, and BT-7, with short data descriptions. There are also some photos, even a couple of video clips of the tanks dashing through woods, walls, and water accompanied by a patriotic song of the time.

Russian History During WWII
This URL actually points to the 1941 site, which has links to the Battle for Moscow and Battle for Leningrad sites by the same Russian author. These have battle histories, orders of battle, and maps all linked to provide a history of the campaign or battle. Very readable, easily navigable, with material not commonly available.

Battle Depot
Period US Army 1:100,000 topo maps of the Ardennes, Commonwealth D-Day beaches, St. Lo, Mortain, and Falaise. Intended as a support site for Combat Mission, the maps are a great resource for WWII games.

The Drop Zone
An oral history site, collecting and preserving the stories of airborne and Ranger veterans. Interviews and stories, many with photos or sound clips. Navigation is awkward in an attempt to be showy; don't bother unless you have a fast connection (and Java enabled).

Command Decision mailer homepage
As close to an official homepage as CD has, this has the archives of the cdmailer, an assortment of play aids, some orgnizations, scenarios, and a few articles.

Battlefront: WWII
These are the half-platoon/squad rules. The official site with FAQ, some scenarios, optional rule add-ons, and suchlike.

Battleground WWII
These, on the other hand, are the skirmish rules. FAQ, point system, downloadable charts.
